The Eureka Valley Foundation (EVF) was established in 2007 as a means to support the maintenance, upkeep, improvements and outreach for the Pink Triangle Memorial (originally established as the Pink Triangle Park + Memorial) – A Living Memorial.
We are a 100% volunteer-driven organization. We maintain no offices spaces, and all of our tech and financial services are donated. Other than credit card processing fees, your gifts to the EVF are only used for maintenance and improvements to the memorial and are tax deductible as a public charity as allowed by federal law.
You can make a difference and a donation for Pink Triangle Memorial easily and safely via PayPal® though this website using your credit card for any amount that you personally choose.
You can also make your donation via check, made out to The Eureka Valley Foundation and mailed to:
The Eureka Valley Foundation
PO Box 14246
San Francisco, CA 94114